

Engaging in elections is a great means of engaging in the democratic system and having an impact on our local area. There are plenty of opportunities for you to engage with the Republican Party at both local and national levels.

Register to Vote: The first step is to ensure you are registered to vote. Check your eligibility and register if you haven’t done so already. Travis County Texas offers online registration.

Educate Yourself: Stay informed about political issues, candidates, and the electoral process. Read reliable news sources, attend candidate forums or debates, and research the positions and platforms of different candidates or political parties. Join The North Shore Republicans to stay informed.

Volunteer for a Campaign: Joining a political campaign is a great way to actively participate in elections. Reach out to one of our representatives and inquire about volunteer opportunities. You can help with tasks such as canvassing, phone banking, organizing events, or distributing campaign materials.

Become a Poll Worker: Contact your local election office to inquire about becoming a poll worker. Poll workers assist with the administration of elections, help voters at polling stations, and ensure a smooth voting process. It’s an essential role in ensuring fair and efficient elections.

Support Voter Registration Drives: Engage in voter registration efforts by participating in or organizing voter registration drives in Lago Vista, Point Venture & Jonestown. Help eligible individuals register to vote and provide them with information about the registration process.

Encourage Voter Turnout: Actively encourage your friends, family, and community members to exercise their right to vote. Spread awareness about the importance of voting, share information about registration deadlines, polling locations, and absentee or early voting options.

Run for Office: If you’re passionate about public service and have a desire to make a direct impact, consider running for office yourself. Start at the local level, such as a school board or city council, and work your way up as you gain experience and support.

Join the Republican Party: Get involved with the RNC political organization. By becoming a member, you can participate in discussions, contribute to policy development, and work with like-minded individuals to promote your shared ideals.

By actively participating in elections, you can play a vital role in shaping the future of your community and country.

Consider joining us for a meeting!