Voting Information

infograph of conservative principles


Check out Vote Texas” for information on registration, ballots, election dates and times, and polling locations.
Review information at “Republican 2024 Candidates” to see general background and voting record information (for incumbents).

To be a member of The North Shore Republicans, you must be a resident in the membership area (or be exempted by the Executive Board) and should be registered to vote in Travis County. It is our hope that everyone is not only registered to vote, but actually participates in the vote. The links below provide information on how to register to vote and where to vote in Lago Vista, Point Venture, and Jonestown or other polling locations in Travis County. The “Polling Place Locations” link directs you to the Travis County website where dates and polling location times are provided with polling place locations in Travis County (updated when closer to election days) by the Travis County Clerk.